Thursday, June 19, 2014

Sock Throwing Toy.

So as a kid I remember these toys that had rice or beans in one end and a tail. When you threw it, the tail ends would wave in the wind. I loved these, and so did my husband. I totally forgot about these fun little things until my daughter got a blow up one in a kids meal, unfortunately the dog thought it was cool and popped it.

It saddened my husband, because this all happened BEFORE he got to play with it outside. One night when I couldn't sleep I got the idea to make one out of an old sock (and if your husband is like mine, we have plenty that need to go). Plus I'm practicing my sewing skills and thought it would be good for me.
First I decided how much rice I wanted in to and I sewed across, but leaving a hole to add the rice.
This might be easy if you aren't new at sewing, but I am. And let me tell you, sewing a sock is harder then I thought it would be. The fabric was very thin and the holes in it hindered the thread going in and staying put. I got it though!!!

 Remember that hole I said to leave? That is where I added the rice. I held it opened and added as much rice as I wanted, and surprisingly didn't get rice all over the place.

Once I had a nice bulge, I went back and sewed it back up. I added a bunch of lines close together to make sure none of the rice tried to escape. This will be used outside but I don't want birds, or my children to be eating the dry rice.
As you can tell, my sewing skills aren't the best, but it works. I then cut the other end so it would be semi in a straight line. Then cut down to give it tails. At this point you could have your kiddos paint the sock, giving it some color and hiding the old sock look. You could also dye the sock if you wanted to, but I would dye it BEFORE even starting.
Finished product!!!! Isn't the nicest looking toy, but it'll do for being thrown around the yard. Plus I know that the rice will get ruined if it gets wet. It's cheap and my husband will enjoy it. If you wanted something that would last longer you could always put the rice in a baggie and shove it in there. Or even sew it into the final stitch. I want to also try doing this with fabric and see how it works, but I don't have any handy that could be used.
Can't wait to throw this rag around the yard....I can already hear the "I bet I can throw it farther" ...or..."think I can hit that..."

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