I started to keep the jars that contain our spaghetti sauce, due to all the great ideas I've seen on what to do with them. Yet here they sit in the closet, collecting dust, all because I haven't wanted to deal with the label and glue. I thought today would be the day!!!
Of course I went to my handy dandy Pinterest app to see what I could do about this problem. I found multiple solutions and thought it would be great to do a post on which one worked best.
First you want to get as much of the sticker off as you can, but DUH, I think that's a given.
The first one I decided to try was nail polish remover. The directions I found were to add hot water to the jar and let it sit a minute. You don't want the water to be so hot that you can't pick it up and hold it. After stirring dinner (again) I emptied the water and add the remover to a paper towel. IT WORKED!!! IT CAME RIGHT OFF. I barely even had to use elbow grease. I was amazing and giddy with excitement. Now moving on to the next one...peanut butter.

The directions I read were to simply let the peanut butter sit on the jar for about ten minutes then wash it off. DIDN'T WORK. Ok it did after I did it again and scrubbed with a green scrub pad. It pretty much loosens it, but you still have to scrub pretty good to get it off. It could be the glue on the jars I guess, but either way, more effort then I wanted to but in it. Plus who wastes peanut butter?
Lastly I tried the 'home made goo be gone' solution. You mix equal parts of oil and baking soda together into a paste. Let it sit on the jar for ten minutes or so (mine sat on there for a good 20) and then wash it off in warm water. This worked like a charm!! It came off easy enough with minimal effort. You still have to rub though, and it took two try's on the really thick glue parts.
If you are looking for something quick with very little effort I would go with the nail polish remover. Just keep in mind that I was doing this on glass jars, and I'm sure the polish remover would eat away at any type of plastic, taking away the shine.
Home made goo-be-gone worked and I am eager to try it on plastics and any place my daughter decides to stick a sticker. Might be good for taking price tags off things during Christmas. I also ways that half of it comes off and the other half leaves that white kind of sticker kind of not crap.
Anyways....hope you enjoyed and it helps in your jar cleaning adventures!!! Hopefully soon I can show you a cool nifty craft with one of these now clean jars.
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