Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Inspiration Jar

So I read a book once and the mom knew she was going to die soon due to cancer. She had a young daughter and made this vase/jar that was full of inspiring quotes (from songs, famous people. books ect..). She left a note saying that she (the daughter) should grab a piece of paper any time she needed advice, words of encouragement, or anything else like that.
I've loved this idea every since, and have now started to make a big pile for my children that I plan to give them when they move out for the first time.
My sisters are in their teen years and going through some rough times. I thought, this would be GREAT to give to them. So I made jars for them.
First I cleaned my jars. To get the sticky stuff off, Here is my post where I tested multiple ways to do that. Once my jars where all cleaned I started filling them with little pieces of paper.

Note: Be sure the jar is completely dry first, other wise the papers on the bottom get wet. Yes....I was so excited when I started that some of them got wet and ruined and I had to rewrite them.
This isn't something you can just sit down and do (I guess you could...but really?). I would suggest taking your time, doing this slowly. Maybe you know someone who is going to graduate next year, maybe start now? Or a birthday for the end of the year? Christmas maybe? This is a great gift idea for anyone at anytime. It's really thoughtful too.
I use bible versus. Every morning when I do my study, I simply write down the versus I think might help them. Cut it out and fold it.
Of course I will continue to fill the jars up. I plan for my sisters to have them soon, but as you can see they are almost full (after about three weeks). I will continue to write things down for them, and just put them in a baggie to keep on giving them.
There are soo many things you could do with them so here are a few I came up with...You could even have who ever you are giving it to read one everyday....

I Love You Because...
You're the Best Mom/Dad Because...
Reasons We Love Grandma/pa...
Bible Versus...
Song Quotes...
When You Feel Blue Read One...
Number One Teacher...(have each student put a reason they enjoyed that teacher)
A Jar of Love....(to someone who lives far away)
Date Night Ideas...
Craft Ideas....
If you want to do some for your kids you could do a jar "for when you get married" "when you graduate" that kind of stuff and have different jars.

I didn't decorate my jars, but if you want to go for it. I'm sure Pinterest has an unlimited amount of ideas.
Hope you enjoy, and if you have any other ideas I would love to read them in the comments, I would love to find other ways to do this.

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