Thursday, July 3, 2014

My Two Awesome Ideas

Any body else have kids that LOVE stickers? Since we rent I try to direct my daughter to sticking them on anything BUT the walls. I guess I have nobody but myself to blame since I am the one who gave them to her. She does good though (knock on wood)!!!

Since I had so many stickers laying around that she deemed hers, I needed to come up with some type of storage. I was honestly getting tired of picking up the sheets every five minutes so my nine month old didn't try to eat them. One day I was picking them up and saw a DVD case that was specifically my daughter. It just clicked that it would be a GREAT way to store her stickers.

You could also add paper to one side so they can stick them to it (awesome for long car rides). If the paper of stickers didn't fit, I just cut to make it fit, no biggie!! I left my daughters plain for two reasons; one it was like 9:30 when I decided to do this for her and didn't have much creative energy left for the day to doll it up, and two I thought I would let her decorate it. She literally has layers of stickers on it now!!

I love this idea. My brother-in-law lives with us and sometimes I need to put names on food. That way everyone gets their food and lunch. I was trying to figure out a way with out using a sticky note or paper/tape, I tried this and it works. The markers I have don't wipe off too easily but easy enough.
This would be great to do with things that need dates. You could put eat by.., cooked on...., or if you do a weekly thing could put what day of the week it's for. I thought it was awesome and now do quite often!

Hope you enjoy!!!!

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